Friday, 7 October 2016

Email List Hygiene: Email the people who truly want your messages

Good email list hygiene is the best practice for any email marketing program. Active email addresses are necessary for maintaining your relationship with your users and retaining their loyalty. There are always chances to get invalid, non-responsive and duplicate email addresses. I would like to share a few reasons on benefits of a clean email list. With a clean email list, you’ll have fewer bounces, better deliverability, and increased conversions.

Reducing Bounce Rates

Determine an appropriate bounce suppression strategy for your email list. Cleaning your email list at frequent intervals will keep SPAM and invalid emails from building up on your list of subscribers and possibly to more conversions. The higher the bounce back, the more risk you run that your campaign could be blacklisted. Kenscio’s Email List Cleanr can clean up to 80% of bad email addresses based on multitude of intuitive checks and significantly helps bring down bounces

Better Deliverability

Regular cleaning of inactive addresses, which have not responded within a year period will help to prevent deliverability issues caused by emotionally unsubscribed recipients. When you shape up your list to valid emails then you will get better deliverability on your mailing activity. Compare each campaign to your past history of delivery percentage to see whether you have a problem and then act on it.

Increasing Conversions

Just how clean is your data? Identify where your data requires attention, allowing you to choose which areas to improve.

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If your list is loaded with bad, duplicate and invalid email ids, your email marketing efforts will be negatively affected because subscribers will not receive your email communication. After all, if your subscribers don’t receive your messages, how will you expect them to convert? The more people that get your email the more people should open and the more opportunity for conversion. Email marketers estimate most of the email revenue derives from targeting to specific segments. If your list contains only active email accounts that can convert into better quality emails being sent out with each campaign that you release. Kenscio’s Email List Cleanr also helps improve ROI, since bad and unyielding email addresses never make it to the final mailing list.

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